Iljax Ceateux

Meandering Mercantile / Gallant Gunbreaker


Nice to see you mate, names Iljax. Need something? I can find it and get it to you. Can't do that? Then I know a guy who can make it. Sales broker, Middleman, whatever you wanna call me I'm your man. Just remember to follow the money if you need to find me.Fixer, Tinkerer, Flirt.


Name • Iljax Ceateux
Race • Viera (Veena)
Age • 86 Years Old (And Still Lookin Good)
Nameday • 20th Sun of the 4th Astral Moon

Likes • Networking, When a plan comes together, Going fast, Well spiced food, The sound Gil makes when its made, Healthy competition, Unhealthy competitionDislikes • Isolation, Bad smells, Arrogance without the fight to back it up, Shots, Feeling weak, Narcs, Sticks in the mud,Personality • Flirty, Confident, Heart of gold under the egoBuild • Lean physique, Broad shoulders, Firm assOther Notable Features • Various scars from decades of near-death experiences, Sunken eyes from poor sleep habits, and a Crooked nose from five (5) fractures

• Social drinker
• Avid partaker of all Vices
• Total Flirt
• Spends money as easily as it's gotten
• Lives in the moment
• Tinkering on personal projects
• Setting fastest lap times
• Reading whatever books he has on hand
• Like the wind in you sails
• Easy come, easy go
• Knife cat aura
• Do no harm but take no shit

Voice Claim: Aaron B. Phillips - Laurent Thierry (Great Pretender)

Character Synopsis

In Case of a broken link you can get to Iljax's lore friendly Alt Carrd Here

Iljax Ceauteux is your local Networking Salesman and connection between buyers and sellers all across Etheirys. Willing to deal in things both legal and less than, he tends to be all over everywhere making deals and spending the gil just as easily as it's got. In off time where he's not on business he's an avid tinker, creating some of the fastest machines the Ironworks have ever seen, for personal use of course. Having lived a bulk of his life in isolation before setting off aboard a ship to Ishgard, Iljax is always eager to make friends and business connections, ready to do anything with anyone in an effort to live life to the fullest.


This page is intended for those simply interested in Iljax's story and lore. If you intend or want to RP and learn organically, ignore this page. Now get ready because I'm treating this like my own lil short story.

Golmore: Originally hailing from a mountainous pine forest on the edge of the Golmore Jungle, Sval Ferðastwesfv was raised with dozens of other kit his age by dozens of women through his childhood and dozens of men through adolescence. Raised in a communal society by the main female Viera tribe and one of its smaller satellite male tribes, Sval knew not who his birth mother and father were, but that all his mothers and all his fathers were supposed to love him and his kin. However being split from his fellow kit, what he felt were his family , and thrown to the group of strange men toward the end of his adolescence was a knife to the gut and Sval would grow to be a angry kid. He knew that in a few short years he would be thrown to the wolves and left to survive on his own, and the self-reliance went to his head. He was going to take care of himself and everyone else who couldn't, and nobody was going to do that for him. Any disagreements, any spats, any failed hunts led to blame being thrown and fists thrown back in retaliation. He was aggressive, fire in his veins called for quick solutions to problems through bloody noses and bruised knuckles followed by self-inflicted isolation that he knew rapidly approached. His fathers deemed he could never be a Wood-Warder, but to send him unto the elements ill prepared to protect himself was a failure as nurturers so he was still instilled with its' trainings. Reform was possible, it was slowly occurring, he was adept with a blade, proficient with a polearm, and a decent shot with a bow, but he cared too deeply for his siblings. He was supposed to be a solitary defender of the Jungle, self-sufficient and strong on his own, but he worried too much about helping his brothers. Encouraging physical weakness in them as well as emotional weakness in himself, as well as his rather unsavory history of infighting with fellow tribesfolk would deny him the right to serve as a guardian, but they could still find use for him. A rather unwanted, if not slightly beneficial desire for socialization, protective tendencies, and a temper that let him run off any that would dare confront him. He could travel, serve as a one man trade convoy, bringing metal ore and furs from the mountains deep to the Jungles of Golmore and returning with spices, fruit, things that could never survive the geography of the mountains. It took Sval out of the tribes hair, forced him to learn the ways of isolation, and serve the good of the tribe by simply going from point A to point B forevermore.Many moons later Sval, now a man in his early 50s, has grown tired of treading the same paths for decades. He traveled between his main tribe and its two satellite tribes as well as another in the jungle. He returns to the main tribe every four years for an extended stay, to mate and collect any youth of age to be pulled from their families and bring them to his now matured tribesmen. His contact with them is limited, only for the initial travels and for moments when he returns from a trip. His influence is stated to be bad, that the only thing he keeping him from true exile is that he hasn't left the jungle. He still hears the Word of the Wood, he's still a tribesmen, no matter how much it pains the rest. But Sval doesn't hear the Word of the Woods, its always been a mere murmur in the back of his mind. The connection to nature calling to him maybe in the crackle of the campfire but that's just the isolation speaking to him. He's grown bitter, the tribe feels less like family and more like a blur of faces he hardly can remember even when in front of him. Conversations are short, they're dull, and they feel devoid of that connection living beings feel around each other. So one day when he discovered interlopers approaching the forest, he welcomed them. He warned them of their danger and told them to flee while they can. And when he learned of their intended departure date he asked them if he could come along. He returns to his tribesmen to say his goodbyes, making sure to take in the looks of all the young ones before him, the fear in their eyes when his name is stripped from him for even daring to mention leaving in front of the tribe let alone doing it. Stripped of his identity, banished from a home he could never stay at but felt unwavering loyalty to until the bitter end, Iljax gathered what few possessions he had. He grabs the face paint he wears, the beginning of a tattoo he would take when he became a man, yet remains as an intended mark of shame. He isn't a traveling guardian, he's a Traveler. And to the hell with them, he'll wear that with pride. The paint is made of the deceased's ashes, their legacies baked into the pigment from the tribes sacred Mother Flame. He'd been banished to die in the well traveled lands by his kinsman's hands, instead he was going to carry the weights of so many that came before him and see what else was beyond those waves. He set off to the foreigners that landed ashore a night prior and joined their crew. By the morning Sval's tribesmen are scouring the land for him but he is already at, wind in his hair, eyes opened wide for what comes next.Pre-ARR: Now a nameless man in an unknown world, Iljax would pick up his newfound city name a few months into his travels. His companions, having grown tired of calling him "That rabbit" "Bunny" or anything leporine in nature confronted him on his lack of a proper name. He'd been here months, helping out with the physical labor with the rest of the crew so much they considered him one of them well enough, but what’s a man if he doesn’t have a name to call his own? All hailing from what they call Ishgard, they decided to teach him the language and settled on a name from a list of popular names from a few decades back. They’d go through an assortment of names of varying Elezen names before settling on Iljax Ceateux. A humble name, nothing outlandish, anyone could have it, and he was obviously one of the boys. Can't you tell?Iljax traveled with the elezen, members of a major trade convoy that passes through Aldenard, for a few decades, and a rather uneventful few at that. Quickly falling into the routine of going to a city, spending a week or so getting to know the place, then traveling to the next and repeating every month or so. Not enough time to plant roots, too much time to know what to do. The coin wasn't bad, not that that mattered much, but the monotony of it all bored Iljax to death. He wasn't sure what to expect after leaving Golmore but more of the same grind day in and day out wasn't cutting it. So he turned to local nightlife, spending any free time exploring the streets. Pockets rapidly flushing coin away and veins full of booze and substance, searching for something new, something exciting to do. And he finds it at the bottom of a glass in Limsa Lominsa. New faces, new friends, new schemes for getting richer for far easier, and on the bright side you get to move around Lots. All it takes is taking some contents that technically aren't illegal and making sure nobody has to pay that silly import tax. I mean after isn't that stealing from the buyer and seller? Coins a lot better, and you only spend a few nights in town before jumping to the next. The crowd ain’t too bad, and there's a thrill in this life. He served mostly as a guard during his time with his first trade troupe but there was no action, no risk, all city-state regulated roads and checkpoints. Now there's thrill every day, slipping past checkpoints, the excitement of smuggling contraband past their very eyes, the chase out of town or through to a safehouse, waiting for the heat to die down. The occasional scrap with other groups over more illicit materials to spoil their nights, never to deal of course. It was all fair in love and war, something about honor among thieves.Over the years the smuggling of heavily taxed goods became less consumer and more criminal. Rare books for narcotics, petty scraps to turf wars, rumor mongering to loan sharking. Can't really be proud of the work he does but there was honor among thieves.Leadership changes hands a few times, resulting in a shift in group direction. At the end it's only five of them and they've moved onto shaking down folk in broad daylight. Iljax rarely partakes, he sticks to smuggling. Or at least he tries to, there's still folk that need their ass kicked and he won't hesitate when they tend to go asking for it first. His anger is once again getting the worst of him, he's hurting people real bad now, and all of his friends love the ultraviolence. He doesn't like the taste of blood when it's fueled by fear. He doesn't much like it at all, it's sickly sweet, it burns his knuckles, it etches into his mind at night that he should be better than this, what ever happened to honor among thieves?Everyone else relishes in celebration of another successful night but he stays in, wondering why he's living this life. Twenty odd years in Eorzea and he’s still a cog in someone else's wheel, a means to someone else's end. It’s not that being the boss would make things better but that every day he wakes up and does terrible things so someone else gets richer and he carries the cross for them. What’s the point in this life after all? To serve the selfish once again? Masquerading this belief that as a team people should live and fight and die on their lonesome for the betterment of someone else. The boss had gotten quite rich in the past few months and as his coffers grew so did his ego. He got more impulsive, more aggressive, more paranoid that someone else was out to get him, the cost of climbing the ranks by any means necessary. By the time it was Iljax’s time on the chopping block, he had grown sick and tired of the life he lived once more. He’s accused of skimming off of the top of shipments, a poor excuse for suddenly questioning why the jobs came up light and the bosses stash heavy. A knife is drawn, an example to be made of Iljax that quickly devolves into a brawl in an alley somewhere in Ul’ dah. Crimson and coin are spilled is catharsis as Iljax hacks and carves and screams to the sky above in fear of what he has become, who he let someone else lead him to be. He wants the blood to numb his senses once again, to make the tears stop burning his cheeks and his lungs to hold the air in his body once more but he can't his body is compelled in utter disgust of what he became to escape these feelings. So he leaves once more, alone, to better things. To a new life, somewhere toward Gridania. Just smile and wave, return to your roots. You'll bury this memory deep, you won't talk about it with anyone, you don't want to be this kind of animal anymore. You're not a weapon, You're Iljax Ceateux, you're a merchant. You're not a weapon. Nobody reports him, there are no eyewitnesses. There’s honor among thieves.

RP Hooks

Got the Goods: Iljax is in the business of sales. Got something to sell and cant find a buyer? Rare Relics? Long-Lost Tomes? Fruit from a Far off land? Odds are he knows someone looking for just the thing and might even take it to them for the right fee.
On the flip side if you're looking for rare items and hard to get goods Iljax can get them to you. Be warned though, he's a bit nosey and will want to know why you're collecting rare tomes from wherever.
"Actually yeah, I do in fact know a guy lookin for one of those."Feels a Need for Speed: Got a love for aeronautics? Perhaps a well trained racing chocobo hot from the Golden Saucer tracks? Or are you simply another torque dork with somethin to prove? Maybe it's time to put pride on the line in a race. Don't worry though, Iljax'll go easy on ya."Care to put our machines to the test? Better yet, put a wager on it?"Gearhead: Iljax can occasionally be spotted around the Skysteel Manufactory fussing with his numerous firearms or Gunblade, possibly even with the help of Stephanaivien. Three's a crowd and all but maybe you have some insights to give them. Or curiosity gets the best of you and they would be more than willing to show off. He's also known to rarely take commission work at the Manufactory. It'll take some serious coin or a Real fun project to get him to work for someone else."Not bad right? Just don't go off breaking it I can't guarantee I'll put it back the same way."Risk Taker: Speed demon, Avid vice consumer, flashy maneuvers, fighting man and monster too big to be fought alone, Iljax seems like he almost has a deathwish the way he dances with it. Maybe a good talking to while you set his bones and nurse his wounds might put some sense in him? Fellas still charming despite all the blood though in fact some think it adds to his character."C'mon man, chicks dig scars. And it was a hellofa night, right?"Far Forgotten Friends: "No way, you're from Golmore too?? Did we run with each other a long time ago? Back before they split us all up? Or do you remember when I was kinda a shithead? Well I'm not like that now, well not entirely but still lets catch up and see where the years have taken us."



Alphinaud: Lil' brother with a heart too big for its own good. Helps him early on learn how to talk "to" people and not just at them, and is so proud of the growth the guys' had over the time they've known each other. Lifelong friends and something about reckless tank/reserved healer solidarity. They both share a slightly surprising appreciation for the arts? Museum trips are a delight for the two until Iljax mentions something about "Oh that paintings not real, I helped move the real one off to some rich guy in Kugane." and Alphinaud can't tell if its a joke anymore.Alisaie: The "Will tease Alphinaud and say she's' the favorite twin but she kind of is" twin. Both quick to jump to direct solutions to problems and lead the charge side by side. Have been incredibly close since post STB especially from SHB onwards when they reunite after months of isolation. Both like to one up each other because they're kind of each others heroes in some way? So they can't help but push each other to their best, out of a desire to protect one another and also a little a friendly rivalry. Hella tag team moves because their chemistry is off the charts. Hot blooded and witty, real recognize real.Thancred: Roguishly Handsome, meet Handsomely Roguish! They both flirt frequently through ARR and were bound to inevitably be a thing until the bloody banquet and promptly lost that connection post HW through STB because they've both been through so much trauma and came out worse. Can't ever seem to see eye to eye, fighting frequently. Reunite in SHB BOTH as Gunbreakers and have a real weird "You've grown so much since we last spent real time together and I'm proud of you but so have I and we're once again so similar despite everything're not the one anymore." moment. Almost like a lost love? Bad timing kept them apart and now they'd be perfect for each other if only they..felt that way anymore. Than found love elsewhere and Iljax is worried about if he has or can and it just won't work. Despite it all though they're beyond close, they have that deep trust you rarely find. Than was probably the first of the Scions he filled in on his seedy history, on any fears and feelings about his past. It was all buried under a few layers of flirting and humor but they both knew they could be themselves around each other and in the end they can accept that things didn't work out and that's okay. Probably. ThanJax is v complicated v angsty only slightly messy. GNB Sluts/10Y'shtola: Just a wee bit o' banter (Derogatory ((Endearingly))) Their innate self-sacrificial tendencies drive each other nuts often but both cannot deny the skills each other have and sheer desire to give everything for others. Kinda the pot calling the kettle black when they say "Stop trying to kill yourself for us idiot" since the other will always reply with "What about you" They both know they'll push each other away at some point but will leave a warm cup of tea on Iljax's workbench late at night or wrap her up in a blanket when she spends another long night studying in The Noumenon. Iljax could flirt with Thancred and not sweat it but she puts some sort of fear in him cause..mmmm strong confident female character. She likes the power, he likes the fear.Urianger: That Clone High "I like your funny words magic man!" line or somethin. Good friends with Urianger, relates deeply to the guilt of being "two faced for the greater good" and Urianger kinda helps him find a little peace with who he is as a person. Both psudo-spiritual folk, probably write the meanest poetry together that makes them and the rest of the Scions sick. Also defo like, The Stoners of The Seventh Dawn those two are prolly like fuckin chimneys the amount they smoke when they have free time.Estinien: I'll fill this out more later but Estinien is like...Trusted Teacher. Helped out a lot with Iljax in his early Dragoon days and did what he could when he learned of his struggles with Nidhoggs rage in his Dark Knight era. When Iljax felt the most worthless and was ready to die broken and alone, Estinien saved him. Almost identically to how Iljax saved him from Nidhoggs rage too. Life debts owed and long since repaid but they still stick around because??? idk it'll never be enough to pay back or something. To be saved from your own weakness?? both are prolly v stubborn about not wanting to leave that debt unpaid (it was paid forever ago idiots)G'raha: I'll fill this out more too but fuck CE Raha really did something to Iljax (sluttily) LOLTataru: Literally The Best Duo around. Always game for any scheme Tataru comes up with to make Gil, and their vast networks and combined negotiating skills make them an unstoppable force. Iljax also cries every time she makes him something to wear because it's always so thoughtful and looks good on him!! Always gets her a gift when he travels on work, whether it be fine linens or a cute outfit or even just some fresh fruit and chocolates. Honestly probably the closest thing to a "Power Couple" because the strike awe and fear in equal measures at night markets. They have kissed and will kiss again. Your goods are no longer safe when they're in town.

Crafty Folk

Cid: Iljax's "Mentor" into the world of metalwork and aviation, the two quickly developed a good relationship around their mutual fondness for flight. Those first few flights inspire Iljax to create an airship of his own The Manacutter 1.0 with the help of Cid. Over the course of time its slowly become more and more of Iljax's sole work, stripping away Garlond regulation parts for more "Aftermarket" components and turning from a humble ship to an agile scouting plane, capable of nigh-unfathomable speeds and unparalleled maneuverability. Cid prefers if Iljax would go just..a bit slower, as it would be a shame to lose a gifted mind in some preventable accident but Iljax might be just a tad bit addicted to the speed.Stephanivien: Something volatile hangs in the air with these two and the electricity that forms when their eyes lock could light the whole room alight if they're not careful (they're not.) If Cid was Iljax's mentor, Stephanivien is Iljax's much needed muse and so much more. Stephanivien originally created the aetherotransformer unaware of Iljax's inability to pull from his own aether and upon noticing that Iljax instead handloaded his own ammunition with volatile energy from himself that wasn't aether, their constant one-uppsmanship began. Any time one makes a new gadget, new weapon, new modification they promptly show it off to the other and the sexual tension is thiiiick. Iljax'll sit there cocking his gun knowing Stephanivien will be thinking of it later tonight because he will be too. Regardless of tension they're possibly two of the most gifted Machinists around, Stephanivien's vast knowledge and analytical mind with Iljax's ingenuity and combat sense, combined with a steady hand and sharp eyes makes the weapons they create true masterpieces. Stephenavien is the only person Iljax trusts to work on his firearms or gunblade in his place, not to say he's who he turns to for maintenance, they're Iljax's babies after all. But if he's regrettably too occupied he'll turn them over to Stephanivien knowing they'll have been "upgraded" by the time he gets them back and no matter how much smoother the slide works he can come up with something even better to show Steph when he gets back in Ishgard.Biggs: Just two mechanic besties, cause every psudo-car guy need another to help him do engine swaps every other month. A reliable set of hands and more than eager to help Iljax work on his personal projects, Biggs is one of few Iljax actually does metalwork for on occasion. When out running laps in his creations, Biggs tends to be the "head" mechanic, leading any on the spot repairs and making sure Iljax is in a good state to set records. (ie; hydrated, clear goggles, pointing out how he's flying, and noting weather patterns)Wedge: Almost a "big brother" figure to Wedge (as if he needed another) but generally the same as Biggs. On ventures out to set records Wedge serves as team tuner, making sure peak performance is getting pulled out of the machines that he and Iljax regularly butt heads over naming (allegedly Manacutter 6.2 isn't good but Iljax is too noncommittal to stick to a proper name for now.) Iljax loves to tease Wedge for his crush on Tartaru and loves even more to make him jealous with how close they care, it's all in playful spirit but that doesn't stop it from getting under Wedge's skin from time to time. All in all he loves the guy, brilliant mind, knows his way around Magitek, and Iljax couldn't ask for a better pit crew by his side.Nero: Tyler rewatch cutscenes with Nero challenge

Wayfinders & Co.

A'vett: Peak "young impressionable guy/ bad influence" dynamic. A'vett is a good guy, if a bit too pure hearted for the world at times. His innocence has made him an unknowing aid in Iljax's schemes but with time he's grown far more familiar with Iljax's ways and doesn't let him pull the wool over his eyes as easily. While being a city boy, Iljax does miss the way he used to live a fair bit and A'vett helps him live that again with frequent hikes and camping trips out in the middle of nowhere where they both can see sights few have ever seen before. A'vett's eagerness to see the best in people has helped keep Iljax from losing himself many a time, and as such Iljax is just as protective of A'vett from anyone that dare take advantage of him (besides himself obviously). Of course this doesn't always pay off because sometimes the kids gotta make mistakes to learn cough Luka coughcough but Iljax will always try to make sure they're sorted out in the end. (or not cough Luka coughcough)Kyuu: Ah Kyuu Kimora, what a woman. The first viera he met outside the Skatay, his first introduction to the Wayfinders, one of his first legitimate romantic relationships..shes a special one to him. Even after a somewhat rocky end to their relationship she'll always hold a special place in his heart, although that may make him a little overprotective at times. She's a source of calmness in his world, a wind in his sails to keep him moving, a beloved book club friend who he frequently goes to the few times he needs to wind down and take it easy, and on occasion, a rather complicated heat mate. He tends to spoil her in books and teas (which he refuses to accept payment for) and in return she stays by his side making sure his head is held high. Sure the muddied lines of their dynamic defo does not complicate a already complicated relationship between them but they're gonna be stuck with each other for a couple hundred years at least so that's for them to deal with at a later date.Vazhi: Every schemy asshole needs his dumb enforcer to back him up, and together they're dumb of ass and dip of shit. A chance encounter looong before the Wayfinders would form where the two were on opposing sides of a trade convoy attack would lead to mutual respect in each others combat and survival skills, and Iljax would recruit a very naïve Vazhi into his endavors of smuggling goods, petty crimes, and of course rigerous sparring to keep each other at peak performance. When Iljax was summoned into the First and went MIA prior to the summoning of A'vett and Kyuu, Vazhi was sent out to track down Iljax because the Crystal Exarch knew Vazhi was the only one with the skills to track down someone as equally skilled in hiding as Iljax. Iljax trusts Vazhi with his life more than anyone else because they both would throw away their own lives to protect any of their friends, especially each other. Nowadays Iljax has lost a bit of his overly violent self destructive tendencies, rather pursuing his care for Vazhi with the aforementioned sparring and maintenance of Vazhis prosthetic arm. Vazhi has a nasty habit of breaking them in the field so Iljax serves as a field mechanic on top of drawing up schematics for him and Sihna to work on for him. Vazhi insists on "cool" things like rockets or a grappling hook but with how pricy the supplies are and how quickly he breaks them, he's gonna have to learn to be happy with ejectable chopsticks. Always pushing the limits of what they're capable of, they'll always be Dumb of Ass and Shit of Head. And together, they're The Tank Brothers.Sihna: Vazhi's main squeeze, Luka's sister, his fellow boss bitch to make sure the Wayfinders keep the "cool" angle. Their relationship started off more "transactional", Iljax trading wine and nights on the town for aetherically charged ammunition but a brief falling out post EW made Iljax realize that she was left out of the Wayfinders the same way he was left out in the Skatay. Now he's making more of an effort to get to know her, even spending time working on Vazhi's arm together. Brief day trips have become a common practice, the two taking a few hours out to get lunch or check out the Goldsmith's Guild as they share what gossip they've come across as of late. And thanks to her Vazhi has a permeant signed lease on life because if anything happened to him on Iljax's watch he'd be a dead man.Luka: Oh you beautiful bastard. Sihna's brother, A'vett's ex, truly not someone good to get romantically involved with at the point he does. Originally Iljax and Luka fail to see eye to eye, mostly on Iljax's part, as his wealth and financial connections put him on the Syndicate's radar. And just as he shows up on Luka's radar, A'vett sets his sights on Luka. And for as long as that goes on, Iljax begins to soften up to the guy because he knows he's gonna have to be around the guy may as well get used to it. But after they break up Iljax promises to hurt Luka back, for A'vett's sake of course. Which is for sure a great plan and will work out perfectly. For sure. So Iljax makes his moves on Luka and surprisingly, they're compatible. They're both busy, business oriented men with expensive tastes and conflicting attitudes in the right "opposites attract" kinda way. And when Luka finally lets his guard down and shows Iljax the real Luka his heart melts because he might've fallen for the guy somewhere along the way too. Their relationship is about as short as Luka and A'vett's, give or take a few months, but somehow serious character growth on Luka's end. Now they're still on good terms? Time will tell where they'll go from here.Olvi: A'vett's new piece of arm candy, and unlike Luka at first he's actually a nice guy. He seems to have the best intentions for A'vett, he's actually a bit starstruck for the guy surprisingly. He's book smart, which is nice when Iljax needs someone to consult on ancient civilizations or other historical facts, plus the guy can speak a passing bit of Iljax's Skatay dialect which is huuuuuuge brownie points. Olvi's a sweet guy, perfect for a sweet guy like A'vett, and Iljax is glad to get to know him too.

Newfound Friends

Parere Pare: A fellow saleswoman Iljax met one evening out at the bloodsands, the pair quickly hit it off due to their similar lifestyles and quick-wittedness. While timid as can be, she has been nothing but kind Iljax and in turn he's taken every effort to get her out of her comfort zone. Iljax loves the company they share but is starting to wonder if Parere has some sort of aura of misfortune surrounding her, as a trail of broken gunblades, missing packages, and poorly placed bets follow the pair but for all he's concerned he'd experience the worst of the world if it meant another conversation with his friend/Illya Arkalas: Sweet, sweet Illya caught Iljax out on business one day in Ul'dah while selling flowers and ever since the pair have been drawn to each other's kindness and humility. He admires her desire to help others in the day to day, the boundless optimism in her heart shining through wherever skies are grey .The flowers she's grown and meals she's cooked have given light and warmth to Iljax's days and in turn he offer's her whatever resources she needs and his unwavering support. Feelings Iljax isn't the greatest with always come up when he's around her and while terrifying for him he's sure she'll be there to help him figure them out, together.

Out of Character

Hey my names Tyler or y'all can call me Ollie! I'm 27 years old and started playing XIV in 2021 but really lost myself to it in '22 and came out a whole new person lmfao. As much as I want to run extreme content and other "hard" forms of content I've fallen in love with GPosing and working on my lore for Iljax so I'm looking jump out of my comfort zone a little and RP more with others!Outside of XIV I play D&D every Sunday, absolutely love TTRPG's (wonder why I love writing lore and rp'ing lmao) and occasionally paint minis. I play a good variety of games outside of XIV I think. Current favs are Disco Elysium, the Yakuza series, and Darktide.
Idk what else to say now